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May 16, 20228 min read
Motherhood: One Giant Interruption
Sometimes motherhood feels like one interruption after another, or in some ways one giant interruption. But what if that’s the whole...

Jan 31, 20215 min read
Saying Yes and No.
He says “Sometimes what you don’t do is just as important as what you do do. The reality is saying yes to any opportunity by definition requ

Dec 28, 202010 min read
Books that carried me in 2020
As always, I love sharing what I’m learning and how I’m trying to pursue growth each year. Hope this list resonates with you and gives you s

Dec 15, 202011 min read
Why I deleted Instagram for a week
Being aware of how things make us feel and being able to take a break from all the noise is refreshing. This post is an echo of what I...
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Sep 7, 20205 min read
There's no Shame in Taking up Space
“I decided that people-pleasing, fear, and politeness weren’t the hallmarks of a well-lived life, nor were their ugly companions: passive ag
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